AREA 德州房地产 & 物业管理已经自豪地为赌lol比赛app地区服务了二十多年. Our 赌lol比赛app real estate agents and property managers bring a vast amount of experience and dedication into helping our clients. 这是基础 这是我们公司建立的基础,也是我们今天成功的关键. 我们的每一步都超越您的期望. 无论你是想买还是想卖你的房子, 或者正在寻找物业经理来管理你的 我们可以帮助您寻找赌lol比赛app地区的租金收入物业或度假租赁. 见见我们在AREA 德州房地产的房地产专家团队吧 & 管理!
凯文Macicek developed his passion for Real Estate at a young age by being hands on with his family’s rental properties in Galveston. 1988年毕业于山姆赌lol比赛app州立大学,获得工商管理学士学位 , 凯文拿到了他的房地产执照 这对他来说是一条很自然的职业道路. He started his Real Estate career helping others buy and sell properties at his former company- 赌lol比赛app 住宅 . Kevin transitioned into purchasing his own properties both single family and multi family – 持有一些,翻新和出售其他的. 这一生的经历对他的事业很有帮助, 让他在每笔交易中都有广泛的知识.
Kevin对待每个赌lol比赛app都像家人一样,每笔交易都非常细致, 在整个过程中提供出色的洞察力. 无论赌lol比赛app是否需要帮助购买,他的知识和专业知识都是一笔财富, 销售或管理房地产. 他有 拥有独特的发现和创造价值的能力,坚信房地产的力量. To further his vision he has hired a group of Agents and Staff with the same goal in mind – Customer Satisfaction and Success.
Kevin是TAR, HAR, IREM和NARPM的资深成员. 自1995年以来,他一直是德克萨斯州房地产委员会(TREC)的许可经纪人.
Lidieth Macicek-As Operations Manager she’s an integral part of the 德州地产 family. Her versatile experience in the real estate and property management industry has rewarded her with a deep understanding of the needs of her clients, 一个知识库 she uses to educate existing and potential customers and continually provide a personalized approach to delivering the company’s key services. Lidieth began her career as an analyst for Weatherford in the oil and gas industry and is adept at identifying 解决软件问题.
Her success catapulted her into a position as an IT Project Manager for Latin America at Shell. These abilities have translated to solving complex client issues with ease and professionalism. 她已经转变成一个成功的企业 老板, she now uses her strong business acumen to ensure the seamless operations of day-to-day activities and client relations for the company.Lidieth毕业于赌lol比赛app大学,获得工商管理学士学位. 天生的领导者 作为一名认证瑜伽教练,她将职业和个人生活融合在一起,并取得了平衡. 不上班的时候,她总是和丈夫凯文在一起 , 她蹒跚学步的孩子和三个可爱的继子女.
特拉维斯雪橇 is a proud member of the 德州地产 team as a 房地产经纪人 and Property Manager. He has experience in 销售, 租赁 and property management with both single family and multifamily. 在成为有执照的房地产经纪人之前,特拉维斯是一名将军 超过15年的承包商. 特拉维斯把他的建筑知识运用到每一笔交易中. Clients benefit from his experience and his ability to educate the most novice investor or buyer.
Marlem康德拥有超过6年的物业经理赌lol比赛. 她的职业生涯始于房地产经纪人,帮助赌lol比赛app买卖房屋. 然而, she quickly gravitated towards property management and decided to make that the focus of her career.
Marlem began her career at a smaller firm where she handled every aspect of property management for 100+ properties. 她已经习惯了租赁,准备好和房客的关系. Her primary focus with ATR is getting the properties ready for market and making sure they lease in a timely fashion.
卡米尔是我们的租赁助理. 她于2014年获得酒店与旅游管理学士学位. She’s the newest member of our team and brings a good understanding of accommodating and transitioning our residents into their new homes. She assists in finalizing the leases and any other necessary paperwork or loose ends to complete the lease transaction. 除了, Camille facilitates the onboarding process and makes sure all have access to the portal.
Cindi从事物业管理行业超过13年, where she has successfully managed the 维护 department for both multifamily and residential units. 从前台到唱片主人, 租户, 维护, 和排版调整, Cindi做到了这一切!
Cindi于2017年加入我们的团队,担任投资组合经理. 她负责完成我们系统中收到的每一个工单. 她与我们的内部维护团队和首选供应商密切合作. 带着富有感染力的微笑, Cindi takes pride in being a source of resolution and solving issues that both tenant and 老板s face. 在业主和租户的许多积极的在线评论中提到, 辛迪的职业道德不言自明.
希拉·冈萨雷斯是我们的业主服务协调员. She has more than a decade of customer service experience from different industries and more than 7 年 with Real Estate, 专注于房地产, 住宅, 及协会平台. 她的行业知识涵盖了租赁, 勘探市场营销, 集合, 老板, 及租客关系. She is passionate about providing the best quality service and aims to be on top of her game. 她的工作是由正直和无畏的学习热情推动的.
兰迪拜耳是一位赌lol比赛丰富的房地产经纪人和房屋建筑商. 20多年来,兰迪一直是建筑行业的领导者, 他是赌lol比赛app地区一家定制住宅建筑公司的老板. 毕业于赌lol比赛app大学,获工商管理硕士学位 Finance, Randy learned the business skills to successfully manage his building company – Bayer 赌lol比赛s.
His Graduate Master Builder’s Certificate (GMB) from the 赌lol比赛 Builders Institute supports his innate construction experience. Bayer is a member of the Custom Builders Council of the Greater 赌lol比赛app Builders Association where Randy also served as Past 校董会主席, 2006年担任大赌lol比赛app建筑商协会主席, 2011年德州建筑商协会主席. 兰迪真的很专注于他的手艺.
Randy’s longevity and proven leadership in the industry is born from his love and belief in continuing education. He continues to learn the latest construction standards and industry technology which shines through in the homes he has built over the 年. 兰迪的专业知识对德州地区房地产公司来说是一笔宝贵的财富.
Enrique在住宅和商业维护方面拥有超过20年的赌lol比赛. He heads our 维护 department and guides our other repair staff 和排版调整 crew in our day-to-day operations. 此外,他还监督外部承包商,以确保我们的质量控制. Enrique is a quick learner and has a strong work ethic that he brings to any 维护 challenge. 除了, 他有很强的个人能力,使他能很好地与租户合作, 经常分散困难的情况,同时为我们的业主的最佳利益工作. 租户们很感激他愿意完成维修工作,解决眼前的问题.
马尔萨·史密斯自2016年以来一直是德克萨斯地区队的一员. 她主要负责后台文书工作, 将账单和收据加载到所有者门户, 协助会计部门. 她整理水电费账单, 供应商发票, 以及任何其他需要通过其在线门户与所有者共享的物品.
Basti joined the Area 德州 team in 2020 and is key to making sure our listings look good across all of our platforms. 他在HAR工作, 我们的管理软件AppFolio, 并且我们的网站每天更新图片和房源信息. 保持我们的列表新鲜和当前, 准确的信息是关键,把我们的列表快速.
AREA 德州房地产 & 物业管理已经自豪地为赌lol比赛app地区服务了二十多年. 我们的代理带来丰富的赌lol比赛和奉献精神来帮助他们的赌lol比赛app. 这是我们公司建立和发展的基础 我们今天成功的关键. 我们的每一步都超越您的期望.
“AREA 德州房地产提供了出色的服务, 为我在赌lol比赛app的两处房产提供专业服务和建议, 让我没有压力,能够集中精力完成海外任务.”
冈萨雷斯"I would like to thank you for all of your hard work and effort to get to a successful closing on our new property. 我知道如果没有你和你的专业知识,这一切都不会发生."
阿尔特和道恩·阿尔瓦雷斯“AREA 德州房地产 & 管理 managed our property in the Galleria area until we reoccupied it earlier this year. I would not hesitate in recommending them to any property 老板 and I would definitely use them again should a future need arise.”
保罗“谢谢凯文·马切克,在过去的几年中,你让我们的一切变得如此简单 年. 我们已经并将继续向我们的同事和朋友推荐你们!”
M欧文“凯文Macicek is hands-on and actively involved in managing our property and we have seen very good results. 他的建议 因为定价和展示已经在短时间内产生了可靠的租户. 他在日常管理物业方面也非常专业.”
艾米Leal“特拉维斯太棒了。! 我会毫不犹豫地向任何人推荐特拉维斯. 他知道自己在说什么 而且有很多很好的洞察力. 我们将永远感激特拉维斯,感谢我花时间帮助我们 !!! "
宝芬妮和雷“AREA 德州房地产 & 管理层对出租物业的服务总是超出我们的预期. 从管理,租赁,维修等方面,你 非常棒! 谢谢你在销售我们的房产方面做得很好."